Duncan Street Baptist Church is a small, friendly fellowship in the Causewayside/Newington district of Edinburgh within a few minutes walk of Pollock Halls, Blackett Avenue Halls and the many guest houses of Mayfield Rd. and Minto St. Newcomers and visitors can expect a warm welcome as they fellowship with us and will very soon feel part of the family! The fellowship aims to cater for all age groups with special events throughout the year in addition to the regular weekly meetings. We also have a regular students group on a Sunday evening.
Our vision statement communicates much of what ministry at Duncan Street Baptist Church is about - 'To continue to be a loving, caring, nurturing, Bible-based fellowship, which strives to live out the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ; as we live for Christ, proclaim Christ, share Christ and grow in Christ.
Therefore Duncan Street Baptist Church is committed to strong Biblical teaching, discipleship, evangelism, prayer, helping people grow in their faith and enabling and equipping people to put their God given gifts into service.

  • Cell groups / Home Groups
  • Weekly Prayer Meeting
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Groups
  • University & College Students

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 11:00 am Morning Worship
Sunday 6:30 pm Evening Worship
Wednesday 8:00 pm Prayer Time

Information for Students

Student Contact: Robert Murdock
Student Contact Phone: 0131 667 7220
Student Contact Email: robertmurdockdsbc@gmail.com
Student Meeting: contact the church for details

Duncan Street Baptist Church Duncan Street Baptist Church Studying at University or starting out in a new city can be an exciting adventure but it can also be challenging to find a Church family to settle into. At Duncan Street Baptist Church we are committed to providing a welcoming and caring environment to help you get to know us and get to know Jesus. If you live in Edinburgh, are new to the city, or even new to Church, we would love to welcome you to any of our services.
Our students and young workers have a Bible study on alternate Sunday nights on various issues affecting students. On the weeks that there is no Bible study there is usually a social event with food and fun arranged by some of our team.
During the months September and October, we have a student and young workers lunch every Sunday after the morning service. Throughout the remainder of the academic year meals are less frequent, and often families in the Church will invite students and young workers to join them for lunch in their homes. Several times a year we also have a Church fellowship lunch which we look forward to.
We realise that life is busy, particularly for students, but we hope all of our students and young workers will feel welcome to join our wider Church activities like house groups and prayer times.
Coming into a new Church building for the first time can be a bit daunting. So, we assure that we will be looking out for you and during the coffee and tea time after each service we will have the opportunity to chat and get to know each other.

  • Leaders:

    Mr Robert Murdock (Pastor)

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland
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